On Sunday we will be wrapping up the house sit, saying goodbye to Rocket (noooooo 🙁 ) and heading south to Dunedin to continue our exploration of the South Island. That means we have been at this house sit for over 3 weeks now and do you know what we’ve done?
We left the house for two days out of the entire time we were here, one day to see the Moeraki Boulders and the another to visit the lakes. Other than that, we’ve sat in the house with our sweatpants and laptops and only left for the gym and food. The necessities, of course.

Granted, it is bloody cold and we are wimps just trying to keep warm. We are also respecting Rocket’s wishes. He doesn’t appreciate when we leave for any reason. But mostly, we have to take advantage of having the free Wifi (rare in NZ) and a steady base to get as much work done as possible while we can.

The annoying part is we’ve been slaving away at the laptops instead of exploring this gorgeous country, and this happens to be one of the slowest months of the year in terms of affiliate income. It sure is frustrating putting in all of this overtime and not seeing the results in my bank account. I’m sure many of you have been there before. In fact, our income this month is about 1/4 of what it was during the peak months over the summer. But that is the nature of this business model. As with most businesses, there are highs and lows with niche sites too. And there are drastic highs and lows depending on your niche and the seasonality of it. Some of our niches are very seasonal, something we didn’t consider when we first started building sites. Now we tend to stay away from those, but even still, some months are just slow across the board and October happens to be one of them.

During these slow months its easy to get discouraged. You start questioning everything, “Is it not working anymore? Should we give up? Move on? Game over?” It sounds dramatic, I know. But these are real thoughts. You never know when Google is going to decide “game over” for you. But we have to motivate ourselves to work harder and remind ourselves this is normal. And temporary. And this is also the beauty of this business model.
It was just a few months ago that we were making more money in a month than we ever thought possible all while traveling Europe and not working much at all. Just a few weeks ago we were traveling around New Zealand in a camper van and hardly cracked open our laptops, yet we were still checking our sales every night from our iPhones. And when we leave here in just a few days, we will spend another month traveling around the South Island followed by a month back home with our family for the holidays. That means we probably won’t be back to work until the new year when we are settled back in Thailand. It’s pretty amazing that we have that kind of flexibility. So although some days it sucks to be sitting inside on the laptop rather than spending the day here…

I know that its really worth it and it pushes us to keep going and growing. So does the fact that Black Friday and the holidays are just around the corner which is pretty much THE BEST time of the year for anyone in the affiliate/e-commerce/FBA business!! 😉